It has been months since I have really done anything musically.
And that’s okay. We all have seasons in our lives, and my life has been consumed with the baby inside my tummy for the past 28 weeks. Between being pregnant, work, and finishing my degree at BYU-I online, there just hasn’t been room for much else.
I’ve been praying a lot lately about what to do about my music career. I’ve just been in this rut for so long that it is hard to get back into the natural swing of things. Writing songs used to be so easy for me–I did it daily. Now I struggle to come up with a decent chorus.
I’ve been struggling with the decision to keep working at my part time job after I have the baby (after taking a leave of absence, of course). However, after a lot of prayer and soul searching, I have decided to quit. I put in my two weeks notice today.
My life is going to be so busy and full just with this little one coming into my life, and I don’t want to spend my available time that I have to myself folding clothes or checking receipts. It’s time for me to get serious about music, so I’m taking a leap of faith, letting go of that part of my life, and giving my all to my family and my music.
I probably won’t have any recordings up for a while (there’s a kid sitting on my diaphragm). But I’m excited to start changing gears. I feel like I’m finally getting to that point in my life that I’ve wanted to be at all along.
Here’s to new beginnings, and picking up where I left off.